Friday, July 16, 2010

twilight phenomena

team edward!! team jacob!!
gosh people, get a life...don't get me wrong okayh!! it is not like I don't watch twilight series( I haven't watch the latest,eclipse) but I just don't get it when people become crazy over this series.after all,they are just a pack of bloody vampires and hairy ware-wolf!!
this craziness jadi bertambah teruk sampai ada statistics ckp marriage pon boleh rosak because the wives are too busy with their so called mr perfector edward.bebudak terjerit-jerit.with all the merchandise sold,and ade plak org beli.tak kisah la korang nk beli sbb tu duit korang,tp korang tak rasa ke mede ni cam filer jer.24 jam twilight2.anyway it is just a love story,and bertambah klise biler ni sebenarnya triangle love..dari zaman tok kadok dulu sampai la skrg ni jer jalan ceritanya.cuma this time heronye handsome and rival dy berbody hot.tu je la modalnya kot!!dahla rob patt dalam cite tu cm tak ckp darah because he's a vampire,i just don't get why people are so into him because I'm not!! anyway,as a conclusion suke ati korang la nk suke ker tak.aku tulis post ni bukan sbb aku benci cm aku tak paham ngan manusia2 yg sgt gilakan citer ni sampai lupa pasal nk hidop!!so people,pikir-pikirkan la!!!

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