semua orang nk cantik...aku baru jer lepas baca thread kat pasal produk-produk penjagaan muka ni.macam2 nama la plk yg kluar,nama2 chemistry pon kluar.haha,cam lawak plak.semua bria-ria nk cantik.biasala tu dah nama pon,aku plak camne?aku bisa jer,pencuci mka, moisturizer and sunblock.tu jer yg aku pakai.malas la nk beria-ria.lagi pon dalam khdn aku yg agk busy ni mana la nk ade byk masa sgt!!
st. ives facial cleanser.masa aku memula beli aku ada la tgk kt tv pasal mende alah ni.dy guna tumbuhan,natural ingredients la aku pon rasa nk try la.n results dy ok,sbb aku ni muka cam normal jer,xde jerawat; kekadadg,mende ni bagusla..harga??boleh tahn la rm18 lebeh krg la,tp thn lama:)
moisturizer plak aku pakai olay ni agk bagus la mmndgkn muke aku kn mende ni sgt pntg la.kalo sari 2 lupe pkai pon still ok.sbb tu aku ske mende pasni aku plan nk tukar gn st. ives nyer moisturizer plak.haha...
ooo,kite ni kan dok kat garisan khatulistiwa,so obviously memang panas.jadi solusinye adalah sunblock!!!aku pakai banana boat ni mmg dah lama sebb dy mmg bagus dah xde sunburn,bau dy pon best n x greasy cam sunblock lain!!
tp camne pon yg paling mujarab ialah masa cuci muka tu baca selawa 3x hembus kat air pastu basuh muka,amik wudhuk,solat jgn tinggal dan bykkkn minum air masak!!inshaallah.
Without your warmth, without your smile. Without you, by my side. The world was so cold, I felt so lost. Without your light, I felt so blind. A thousand miles I'd run and walk. A thousand times I'd slip and fall. But for you I'd do it again. A thousand times.
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Monday, July 26, 2010
Friday, July 16, 2010
twilight phenomena
team edward!! team jacob!!
gosh people, get a life...don't get me wrong okayh!! it is not like I don't watch twilight series( I haven't watch the latest,eclipse) but I just don't get it when people become crazy over this series.after all,they are just a pack of bloody vampires and hairy ware-wolf!!
this craziness jadi bertambah teruk sampai ada statistics ckp marriage pon boleh rosak because the wives are too busy with their so called mr perfector edward.bebudak terjerit-jerit.with all the merchandise sold,and ade plak org beli.tak kisah la korang nk beli sbb tu duit korang,tp korang tak rasa ke mede ni cam filer jer.24 jam twilight2.anyway it is just a love story,and bertambah klise biler ni sebenarnya triangle love..dari zaman tok kadok dulu sampai la skrg ni jer jalan ceritanya.cuma this time heronye handsome and rival dy berbody hot.tu je la modalnya kot!!dahla rob patt dalam cite tu cm tak ckp darah because he's a vampire,i just don't get why people are so into him because I'm not!! anyway,as a conclusion suke ati korang la nk suke ker tak.aku tulis post ni bukan sbb aku benci cm aku tak paham ngan manusia2 yg sgt gilakan citer ni sampai lupa pasal nk hidop!!so people,pikir-pikirkan la!!!
team edward!! team jacob!!
gosh people, get a life...don't get me wrong okayh!! it is not like I don't watch twilight series( I haven't watch the latest,eclipse) but I just don't get it when people become crazy over this series.after all,they are just a pack of bloody vampires and hairy ware-wolf!!
this craziness jadi bertambah teruk sampai ada statistics ckp marriage pon boleh rosak because the wives are too busy with their so called mr perfector edward.bebudak terjerit-jerit.with all the merchandise sold,and ade plak org beli.tak kisah la korang nk beli sbb tu duit korang,tp korang tak rasa ke mede ni cam filer jer.24 jam twilight2.anyway it is just a love story,and bertambah klise biler ni sebenarnya triangle love..dari zaman tok kadok dulu sampai la skrg ni jer jalan ceritanya.cuma this time heronye handsome and rival dy berbody hot.tu je la modalnya kot!!dahla rob patt dalam cite tu cm tak ckp darah because he's a vampire,i just don't get why people are so into him because I'm not!! anyway,as a conclusion suke ati korang la nk suke ker tak.aku tulis post ni bukan sbb aku benci cm aku tak paham ngan manusia2 yg sgt gilakan citer ni sampai lupa pasal nk hidop!!so people,pikir-pikirkan la!!!
Thursday, July 15, 2010
hobby and career
medicine and photography...which one would you choose???
talking about medicine...
I always wanted to be a doctor.why??because for me,being a doctor is not just about treating the patients,it is more than that.Being a doctor means you help others to improve their quality of life, you learn about the true meanings of life and at the same time you improve yourself to be a better person. Despite all those good things about being a doctor, you will face lots of hurdles and circumstances in achieving your dream.But as people said, no pain no gain!! In everything we do, we must have a niat, and our niat is for Allah.Have faith in Him and never give up. Work hard, study hard and tawakkal.InshaAllah, everything will go well as planned.
when it comes to photography...
uurgghhh, I always have some kind of excitement running through my veins when I'm thinking about photography. Gosh,I love photography. A picture can tell thousands meanings. And I love it. and to be a pro is not have to practice,take pictures all the time and indulge yourself in the world of photography. For now, my pictures are not yet that beautiful but some people said they are all beautiful. and for God sake, I don't care a bout what others think. What matter for me is I love what I'm doing.Anyway I still need to get a good camera!!
conclusion: medicine is a career,it is my passion and photography is a hobby,it makes me who I am. I cannot choose either one because both are important.If I take one out of myself,it is like I am not being true to myself.and not being true to yourself is not,live life,love life..
talking about medicine...
I always wanted to be a doctor.why??because for me,being a doctor is not just about treating the patients,it is more than that.Being a doctor means you help others to improve their quality of life, you learn about the true meanings of life and at the same time you improve yourself to be a better person. Despite all those good things about being a doctor, you will face lots of hurdles and circumstances in achieving your dream.But as people said, no pain no gain!! In everything we do, we must have a niat, and our niat is for Allah.Have faith in Him and never give up. Work hard, study hard and tawakkal.InshaAllah, everything will go well as planned.
when it comes to photography...
uurgghhh, I always have some kind of excitement running through my veins when I'm thinking about photography. Gosh,I love photography. A picture can tell thousands meanings. And I love it. and to be a pro is not have to practice,take pictures all the time and indulge yourself in the world of photography. For now, my pictures are not yet that beautiful but some people said they are all beautiful. and for God sake, I don't care a bout what others think. What matter for me is I love what I'm doing.Anyway I still need to get a good camera!!
conclusion: medicine is a career,it is my passion and photography is a hobby,it makes me who I am. I cannot choose either one because both are important.If I take one out of myself,it is like I am not being true to myself.and not being true to yourself is not,live life,love life..
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Allahumma salli 'ala,
Muhammadin an-Nabiyyi al-ummiyyi,
Wa 'ala alihi wa sahbihi wa sallim.
(O Allah, send your peace and blessings upon our Master Muhammad, the Unlettered Prophet, and upon his family and companions.)
O My Lord,
My sins are like
The highest mountain;
My good deeds
Are very few
They’re like a small pebble.
I turn to You
My heart full of shame,
My eyes full of tears.
Bestow Your
Forgiveness and Mercy
Upon me.
Ya Allah,
Send your peace and blessings
On the Final Prophet,
And his family,
And companions,
And those who follow him.
Ya ALLAH,please grant all our wishes.
Muhammadin an-Nabiyyi al-ummiyyi,
Wa 'ala alihi wa sahbihi wa sallim.
(O Allah, send your peace and blessings upon our Master Muhammad, the Unlettered Prophet, and upon his family and companions.)
O My Lord,
My sins are like
The highest mountain;
My good deeds
Are very few
They’re like a small pebble.
I turn to You
My heart full of shame,
My eyes full of tears.
Bestow Your
Forgiveness and Mercy
Upon me.
Ya Allah,
Send your peace and blessings
On the Final Prophet,
And his family,
And companions,
And those who follow him.
Ya ALLAH,please grant all our wishes.
Sunday, July 11, 2010
btn a.k.a. biro tatanegara

30th june 2010;10.00 am:aku dapat call from acms mengatakan aku kene pergi btn!!adooii trus kemalasan tu datang.
2nd june 2010:aku dapat surat,bapak aii lambatnye surat dy samapai dan disini bermula lah kisah preparation aku nk ke btn...baju krg putih???lepas abis zaman kegemilangan aku kat skolah,memang dah takde baju putih aku.nasib baik ibu aku ada 1 and cousins aku pon la bagusnyer ade sedara.
bebalik pada perjalanan ke quarters klia,nilai.
ktrg pergi rumah tam n tido sane semalam....mcm biasa tam masak dengan banyak dan sedap walaupon kitorang ni makan tak byk n malam tu ialah match germany vs argentina.haha,aku memang serious dah jatuh cinta kat mueller!!!he is the best and 1 more interesting fact about him is the he's only twenty..gosh,i'm so in love with yg x best nyer dy tak bleyh main masa lawan spain...kesedihan tahap gig aku!!kalo x mesti spain xde chance nk menang lawan germany.tapi xpe,germany xde,aku support spain!!!!
ok,kitrg dah sampai nilai.ibu aku,ayah n adik aku si wawa kecik pon sibok la memilih kain untuk dibuat baju raya.n aku n wawa pon beli english cotton yang same corak tp lain color.dia pink aku blue..
pastu,samapai la kitorang kat btn...
bermulalah alkisah 1 cerita.aku dgn smartnye pakai jeans ngan baju busa jer.pastu ayah ckp kene tukar baju.nasib baik kat masjid n aku pon trus tukar dgn berat hatinyer...
check-in:1 bilik 3 orang,aku ,naim n fiza(budak unikl msi yg akan ke barcelona,spain)
lepas tu bermulah hari2 yg berbosan iaitu ceramah pasal 1 malaysia..sememngnya dah xdapat disangkal sangatla bosan!!!tp bila dah masok ldk,keadaan jadi ok la skit!!!group aku mmg group paling bising sepanjang masa x kira la time makan ker,dalam hall ker or ldk biasa...sorang2 kecoh anataranya ialah senior aku kat college,syarifah,anin(unikl girl),helya,razim,afiq,pj,zol,izat,safwan and shikin...
n sedih part:
this btn camp will be the last time for some of us cam aku n maya n those who chose to stay in the globe is round and we shall meet again in the future.
all in all,all the best to everyone.n i'm praying hard for usu test.oo Allah,please grant all my wishes.ameen!
btn:4-8th july 2010.
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